Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Easter Recap

Per usual, we have been lacking sleep in this house....something we should be used to by now??
Easter was a GREAT day, as Cassie woke up to the Easter bunny having hid the 18 eggs that we colored the night before, and he left her a huge basket full of goodies!!  We were even more surprised to see that a very special neighbor had also played Easter bunny and put a bunch of plastic eggs in our front flower bed and yard, it was amazing surprise for all of us.  The morning continued with a quick trip to Mimi and Papa's house to drop off some gifts and say hello (and of course get another goodie filled basket for the kids!).  My sister and her family came over at about 10:30 to enjoy an Easter brunch of home made breakfast pizza, coffee cake, and other great goodies.  Earlier in the morning I hid about 60 plastic filled eggs, and while we waited for it to warm up enough for the kids to go find them, my sister and I went out of a 9 mile run!  There are a bunch of pictures from the weekend (as well as a few more), but these are only just a handful of the billion that I captured, you can see all of the ones that I put in the Easter album by clicking at the link on the bottom.  

We managed to end the weekend with a round of colds for the entire family - what fun!!  Unfortunately Austin and I still seem to be battling the worst of it, and on Tuesday we took him to the pediatrician to find that his extreme fussiness was from having another pair of ear infections, one of which had ruptured and was leaking fluid - ug!!!  He seems in better spirits this morning for the first time in what feels like forever.  This coming weekend is supposed to be in the 80's here (how excited are we!!!!) so I am sure that I will have the camera out to capture all of our outdoor fun!!!

A snapshot of the kids from Easter morning, at least they are looking at the camera even if they aren't smiling!

Coloring Easter eggs!

Check out my perfect purple egg!

WOW!!! Check out what the Easter bunny left me!!

On the egg hunt - soo excited to be finding the eggs that she had colored the night before, and notice that there is a blue peep in her hand?  Don't let anything happen to the peep!

Venturing outside on a chilly morning to gather the eggs from our neighborhood Easter bunny (needless to say that we were all quite shocked when we saw the eggs out front, what a wonderful surprise!!!)

Analyzing the egg contents - Austin looks like he would like this one!

Austin and Uncle Duane - having fun!

The Easter bunny left play make-up in Cassie's basket, and as you can tell, she LOVED it!

Egg hunt, round three!  Followed by the analysis of loot!

Cousin Zachary and Brooklyn!

peaceful sleeping....

Hey, she took my hammer!                              Give me back the hammer!!!

Hah! Got it!

Dawn loves Brooklyn's expression in the background...

These are sleep tactics at their finest!

Little Brooklyn and her first strawberry - as you can see, she loved it!

Austin on the other hand...not so much!

Two little babies in the tub!

Click here to see the entire album:  
Easter 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The trip to the Easter Bunny

I have been snapping millions of photos these days, as all three of our little ones are in rare form - I just love the holidays!!!!  I am happy to say that we are all pretty healthy and the twins are FINALLY starting to sleep more at night - thank goodness!!! Here are some photos from our annual trip to the mall to see the Easter Bunny, the only one that Cassie is content to sit with!  We hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter Holiday weekend!

Cassie, Brooklyn, and Austin sit with the Easter Bunny, 2009

The twins and the Easter Bunny, 2009

Cassie trying on her bunny ears she received from sitting with the Easter Bunny

The twins get goofy after visiting with the Easter Bunny

Standing and dancing already!!!! (yes it really is an optical illusion, they are standing against the couch)

Our little Brooklyn Bunny!

The bunny and the chick are out o the tub!

The girls going for a spin in Auntie Kris's new car - sorry Brookie, you have a few years before you'll be behind the wheel (thank goodness!)

Yup, that's our handsome man!

Mr. Austin gets his first haircut!  (Asleep is definitely the way to go!!)

Nothing like a day on the swings!

Little Cassie finally gets her ears pierced - here she is the night it was done, I'm not sure who was more excited - Mommy or Cassie!

Cassie helps to make birthday cupcakes for mommy!

Do you mind? We are trying to play here!