Friday, September 26, 2008


Here are a few other special little snaps that I captured the last few days of our little ones.... the twins are really melting our hearts when they snuggle together!  And of course Cassie is hamming it up as usual! Enjoy!

Our three little cuddle bugs!

An early evening out for a walk....very peacefully!  

Cassie just loves having her little brother share the bath tub with her!

These are the moments that I cherish!
From End of September 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A trip to see Great Granny

We went last weekend to visit Great Granny and Grandpa Gordon in Albany last weekend, and despite the chaos of traveling with three little ones, we all had a great time.  Aunt Judi also came to visit all the kiddos, and we had a great time taking a long walk to catch up while all three kids took a nap.  Here are a few snapshots from our great sunday trip:

Brooke and Great Granny                                                       Austin and Auntie

A few cuddly moments with the twins....

While Grandpa teaches Cassie a thing or two on the piano...                                                                           

                                          Cassie and her Great Granny

                                                              Great Granny and the twins!
From End of September 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cassie's First Hair Cut!!

Well, we started our crazy weekend off by taking Cassie to get her first hair cut!  We decided that it was finally time to tame her locks...and all in all we were totally impressed with how well she did, and even seemed to like the fact that she was getting made over... here's a look:

Friday, September 19, 2008

This week has been a blur... new photos.... (yeah, I know, that is why you are here...).
It has been a long and, well, frankly, sleepless week with our little ones.  At the beginning of the week all three of the came down with HFM (hand/foot/mouth virus)! The twins had a very mild case, and really were unaffected, just wanting a little more cuddle time than usual.  Cassie, on the other hand, was a total different story... this is her second time with the virus since June, and this time was even worse.  She had so many blisters on her tongue, it barely fit in her mouth!  Despite most of our efforts, she was very uncomfortable, hungry, and tired, and really didn't sleep much at all during the night.  I am hoping tonight that she gets some sleep, because both Dawn and I are just plain exhausted.  And I hear the twins paging me to be fed their late night snack!  We have some great plans for the weekend, so not to worry, there will be new photos soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Smilies, sleepies, and other fun treaties!

Well, the long awaited smile from little Miss Brooklyn is out in full force, melting our hearts every time she flashes it; while Mr. Austin, of course, continues to smile at anything and everything all day long!  We are proud to say that Cassie is doing an amazing job potty training, and has nearly successfully transitioned to wearing big girl underwear!  We are so proud.  Here area few of the smiles we have seen this week, along with the usual sleepy moments, and a few other treats I though you would like!  Cheers!



From September Photos

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tub time, grandpa time, and of course....sleepy time!

As usual, my camera is just click, click, clicking away!  The twins are growing like weeds (I know, they are supposed to do that) and showing some more of their unique personalities.  Brooklyn has finally started showing us her beautiful smile, and let me tell you how much it melts our hearts, maybe because it is appearing nearly a month after Austin's?  Cassie continues to love both of them so much, and is constantly asking to "help me?" - which really means, 'Can I help you?' We are just loving them all so much!!

Cassie took a bath for the first time with her siblings (one at a time, and mommy was in to help out too!)

Cassie and Brooklyn....getting clean

Cassie is quite the little goofball in the tub...

But Austin seems to really like Cassie washing his hair!

Oh yeah, it's nap time....

Looks like the perfect place for a hand rest...

Our most favorite activity - SLEEPING!

Grandpa DeMerchant  

And Grandpa Gordon, all in the same day!

Hey, we're both awake!!!

Cassie and her little brother

Nothing like sidewalk paint!

A quick little smile from Brooklyn, and Mr. Passed out Sox fan!

Shhh..... (but move over!!)
From September Photos