Friday, September 25, 2009

Lots of Firsts

This post will be packed with photos, as I just uploaded over 100 photos of the last few weeks (and honestly, this is about a quarter of what I actually took!). We have been so busy enjoying the last few days of summer and the first day of fall that is has been so hard not to take so many photos. Cassie has taken very well to preschool and seems to enjoy the time away from home in her own social environment. I have been taking the advantage of the lighter load in the stroller and enjoying some longer runs with the twins. I am looking forward the perfect fall weather continuing as I love the cooler weather to run in. I will leave you with many photos, that will summarize our activities far better than I will. :)

Getting ready for our super-hero tryouts.... I think that we should work on our WonderTwin Powers!

Yup, looks like EVERYONE in our house is growing, look how big Cupcake has gotten in just 3 short months.

That's our Cassie - super silly

Mommy loves Baby Einstein - it gives me time to load the dishwasher without being bother by two toddlers who like to unload it
Our first trip to the Aquarium this summer, it was a perfect day to look at the aquatic animals

Brooklyn is VERY excited to see the penguins (this I will note was taken about 5 minutes before Dawn walked Cassie to the bathroom, leaving me with the twins near the penguins, where Brooklyn decided that she would sample some random left-over bird egg shell that was lying on the ground, good grief, this kid will eat anything!)

While Austin seems more thrilled with the sign

Checking out the penguins as they go for a swim

WOW, check out the size of this whale!

Little did we know that Austin could speak to the whale - this is my FAVORITE shot of the day

Little Miss Brooklyn

Cassie and the sharks
Brooklyn seems determined that she is going to get her hands on one of those blowfish

While Austin really isn't too sure what he thinks of the blowfish

Cassie and mama at the touchpool


Austin sporting my favorite smile, while Brooklyn learns that she will not be getting her license until she is at least 18

Cassie picking our tomatoes, I'll post the comparison photos of her doing the same thing last year in the next post, it really is amazing how much she has grown in the last year.

Look out, here I go!

The little dare-devil!

Post bathtub photo - PLEASE let us back outside!!!
First trip to the orchards for fruit picking in 2009

Um, guys, you missed one...right in front of you....

Austin is contemplating how to get the perfect peach all the way up there

On the tractor ride

Millions of apples in this orchard and this is the biggest piece I get?

Meeting Smoky the Bear at the Firehouse Safety Fair

Having snacks together on the toddler table for the first time

I was actually pretty impressed that the twins sat as long as they did

Well, Brookie sat because there was food involved, and she had managed to steal her brother's spoon, which makes for faster eating!

Brooklyn's first set of pigtails!!!

When her teeth finally do come in (yes, at 16 months she has 4 teeth compared to her brother's 11).

Yes, this toothbrushing thing is loads of fun!

This is our little man at about midnight on Wednesday, as Austin seemed to think that the sun came up and it was time to start the day - um, no, you are off by at least 5 hours!

watching in disbelief as the Yankees take a serious run lead....yuck!

Yup, napping in the same crib, something that we haven't done together in months!

All 101 photos can be found here: Welcome to Fall sept 09


ajs4ever said...

Oh I just love all the pics!!! Brooklyn looks like a mini Cassie and Austin is precious as always! I love the little naked hinnies after tub time! Looks like you guys are having a blast!

irongordon said...
