Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Look out world, she's armed with an SLR!

It is going to be really hard to keep the photos in this post to a minimum.... as Dawn surprised us with the new Canon Rebel SLR camera that we have been looking at.  Of course we have spent the beginning of the week just playing around with it and taking some random photos, but the quality of them is just amazing (as you will see in some of the ones I am posting today), and I am even more amazed as just how blue Cassie's eyes are with this camera.  

Aside from being my usual photo taking self, we have been trying to stay busy going to indoor play-places for Cassie to get some good exercise time, as I think the bitter cold winter temperatures that are keeping us inside are starting to get to her.  It was nice this weekend to finally break out of the 20's and have some really great outdoor playtime, she was in heaven.  The twins are amazing us with something new that they do everyday, and are now sitting up unassisted (with pillows behind them just in case) to play with their toys - and each other - and really loving it.   Austin has been on his second round of antibiotics to get rid of the 3 week long ear infection, with Brooklyn just starting one yesterday for her bout of double ear infections.  I will be SO happy with spring comes to get rid of all these germs!

Here are a few photos of what has been keeping us busy these days:

Here are mommy's new favorite outfits...with matching shoes and all!

Brooklyn is trying to determine the severity of Austin's stinky feet... (or is she trying to sample his piggies?)

Mama and her babies!

Making half-moon cookies with mommy (a family tradition is handed down!)

Nothing like cuddly time in pj's

Austin appears to be a binky magnet.... I am still trying to figure out why he (they) wake up crying for a pacifier every hour or so during the night....just turn your mouth - you're bound to run into one!

Our fun trip to the Great Escape, an indoor play place for kids... we went with my sister Trish and her son Jake and my good friend Annie and her two girls Maddie and Katelyn.  Cassie and Maddie are having a blast in the ball pit.

On our way to lunch with Mr. Cool Jake after a fund ay at the playplace.

A photo of the twins and their cousin Jake that my sister took with her SLR camera, just amazing

I think that this picture is what sold us on wanting to get a new camera, the clarity is unbelieveable! (as is the size of that bottom lip!)

Having some fun times in our towels after bath time. 

 Austing and Brookie pose for photos after the tub.

A little flashback?  I am guessing you can pick out which one is Cassie!

Finally!  Holding our bottles on our own!

Mama!!! That is my pajama top!

Mommy and Brooklyn after mommy's long run Sunday.

Our little Brookie!

Our for a walk as a family.

Cassie was sooo excited about wearing her new stick on earrings from the nurse at our pediatrician's office - and I just love how blue her eyes are in these pictures!

CLICK HERE (all the photos in the new album):  End of Feb 2009


ajs4ever said...

Wonderful and precious-- as always!

Rachel said...

The pics are beautiful, but when you start with beautiful children, how can you go wrong?