Sunday, January 25, 2009


I just couldn't resist taking some photos this morning (okay, and last night, and all day yesterday, someone stop me please!!!).  Personalities are in full swing here lately, as we are finding that little Brooklyn has a voice, and isn't afraid to use it!  Austin, unfortunately, is in the middle of round two of the double ear infections (ug!) and of course Cassie is her usual energetic self (thank goodness for the indoor playground that has been keeping us busy!).

Here is the latest slew of photos...... (and to think that I am looking at a better, high quality camera! Look out world!)

Nothing like matching outfits....and goofy smiles!!!

A few more from our little photo shoot...

And a few from playtime, looks who's starting to sit by themselves!

Wow....someone other than mommy has the camera!

Pizza crust anyone???  Yup that is our Brookie....LOVES food!

Honestly, I don't want to be in this chair anymore...I'll get out myself thanks!

Anyone for following in their big sister's footsteps by standing at 7 months unassisted?  Does this put us on track for walking, say, about 10 months?? UG!!!

A few of the usual goofy Cassie moments.....

And just incase you were wondering how she keeps her baby soft skin!

We'll smile at anything!

Peaceful sleeping...

To see the whole album click here:  February 2009

1 comment:

ajs4ever said...

Man those kiddos are adorable! It looks like you all are having lots of fun at your house! I bet there is never a dull moment:) Wish we were closer so we could come and hang out!!!!