Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ways to get through cold snowy days....

Okay, so I need to get better about adding photos every week, heaven's knows I take enough of them!  And yes, I have been just snap, snap, snapping away with my new camera, trying to capture every moment.  Here is a little of what we've been up to for the last couple of weeks:  a little playing in the snow, a little playing in our favorite chairs, and a few other silly little things....

Mommy and Cassie making the first snow man of the season

Putting on the finishing touches....and eating the finishing touches!

Oh yes, this is matching at it's best!

Brooklyn showing off her belly surfing skills...And Austin gearing up for spring training!

Nothing like a mug of hot cocoa (and yes, she will find that marshmallow that got away!)

The best seat in the house for watching TV

All bundled up to go outside

Sporting our usual smiles!

Bed time stories with the girls (and you can see that Brookie is really into Curious George!)

I can't believe how fast they are growing up, starting to eat regular foods and hold their own bottles!

Mommy loves babies holding their piggies!

Pretty soon they will be crawling....look out!!!

Okay, so we are really starting to realize how big our Cassie was as a baby....these photos were taken when Cassie was about 6 months old, compared to pictures of Austin and Brooklyn a few days short of 7 months old - WOW!!

spending time in our bumbu chairs

Hmmm....getting ready for bed and learning how to spit the toothpaste rather than eat it...priceless!

Click here if you'd like to see all the photos from the album: january 2009

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh, they're so cute! I was just realizing that my 8 month old son currently weighs the same as his sister did when she started kindergarten!
Keep those babies warm, we're in Wisconsin and it's been below zero all week, so I know how about the circus it can be to get them bundled up to gou out!