Saturday, March 14, 2009

Monumental Milestones!

I thought that I would post the major milestones that have happened in our house in the last couple of days....

Austin cut his first tooth, a bottom one, on Friday - horray!

Brooklyn got up on all fours for longer than a second, and actually started rocking back and fourth on Friday as well, looks like we need to be aware of her being mobile soon!

And little Miss Cassie had her 3rd gymnastics class on Friday and got to help the instructor demonstrate on of the circuits, she was soooo excited!  

It has been a wonderful weekend here, and we are gearing up for cousin Jake's 2nd birthday tomorrow, and maybe even a week of some great weather to play outside!  Horray!

Big hugs from big sister Cassie to Austin on Friday who, despite this smile, was quite the crank all day with a new tooth finally appearing

Look out world - here I come!!! (I guess I should get some clothes on, huh?)

Climbing on top of the horse in gymnastics, and very nicely listening to directions from the instructor

Great dismount!!  Hanging from the lower bar and working on kicking a ball.

Working on bar skills

And of course, our favorite part of the day - the trampoline!!!  Playing the "freeze" game that is followed by lots of music and - JUMPING!

Did I mention jumping? This kid was a rabbit in her previous life!

Hanging on the rings at the end of class

Sporting our new bibs that were sent from Gee-Gee, the mom of Mommy's best friend in junior high (Jennifer Sanders) who we have been so excited to finally be back in touch with

Resting after a long hard day....with my best friend - Binky!  (I know, we really need to work on this)

Click here for the new photos I added to the album: March 2009

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