Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is it really June?!?!

What the heck happened to May????

Well, here is the re-cap on the end of May, and everything that we have been up to since....
On May 19th Austin went in to have tubes put in his ears, the procedure was very fast, about 10 minutes, and after a nice hour of napping on the way home in the car, Austin was back to himself, playing, laughing, and giggling.  And I must admit, that until he just got sick again, for about a week and a half Austin was a completely different baby!  Mr. Fussypants was totally gone and replaced with this wonderful, giggly, smiley, sleeping through the night in his own bed sort of baby - we have been loving it!!

Sipping (guzzling) sugar water in the recovery room

Do you mind?  This has been such a stressful day!

Napping in the car on the way home from the hospital

So.... the day after Austin's tube surgery, we packed up the kids and headed west, for a fun filled trip to Ohio to see our friends Laurie, Betsy, and their son Henry (Laurie and I met while pregnant with Henry and Cassie, and we have been close friends since).  On Wednesday, we stopped for a quick lunch in Schenectady, NY to see my grandparents, and then continued onto Syracuse for a stay in a hotel and to meet up with three of my cousins and their little ones.  Cassie and the twins had a blast with their second cousins in the room and in the hotel swimming pool.

Preparing to leave on vacation....good thing that we have a king sized bed!!!!

Cassie making faces at her cousin Riley - and getting the cutest reactions!

Two goofy little dancers, Cassie and her cousin Lucas

After a restful night, we then packed the kids and the car again to finish our drive to Cleveland, Ohio.  As you can see, the kids were really restless to get there:

We all had an amazing time in Cleveland with our friends - taking the kids to the kiddie park, to an indoor inflatable place for Henry's birthday, to the Zoo, and one night even having some amazing babysitters to let Dawn and I have a night out - kidless!!  WE are defilitely looking forward to going back again, as there were so many things that we wanted to do and didn't get to.  Our hosts, Laurie, Betsy, and Henry, were absolutely amazing all weekend, opening up their house to us, and helping us out so much the whole time we were there; we are so grateful to have such amazing friends.  We left Cleveland to come home on Memorial Day Monday, in the afternoon, and made a few pit-stops before getting back home at midnight.  

Austin and Kona getting to know each other

Playing on the spider web at the park next to Henry's house

Cassie and Henry having lunch

Driving the boats at the Kiddie Park

Why must the camera be present at all of these functions???

Yes, Henry, I'd be thinking that if I were riding with Cassie too!

Cassie and Henry on the roller coaster - having a good time???

Cassie and Mama on the giant slide during Henry's birthday party

Cassie on the velcro wall - she LOVED this!

You hang here for a second, I'm going to go and take a shower....

Yes, we are here too!

A great family shot at the indoor inflatable place

Cassie, Mama, and Mommy on the obstacle course slide

Check out this action shot!!! (thanks Yvette!)

This is what a long day at the zoo looks like - she'd have slept up there if she could!
A few Zoo shots - you'd think that I were torturing her to be here!

Our family photo of our trip to Cleveland - you can see the city in the background

Click here to see the while album:  Ohio Trip Memorial Day

Unfortunately since returning from Ohio, the kids have managed to get sick again, Austin came down with a virus called Roseola, with a nice high fever that lasted a couple of days, followed by a wonderful rash, while cassie had the same virus leave some pretty nasty blisters on the inside of her mouth.  Brooklyn has been her usual self  of getting into EVERY THING!!!  Here is hoping we can stay healthy until the birthdays - holy cow, are our twins really turning 1 in two weeks!!!!

1 comment:

ajs4ever said...

I agree!! Time is moving way too fast!!! Let's just stop and enjoy every little second!!!