Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cassie starts preschool!!!

I just can not believe that time has flown by so quickly, and our oldest daughter is already going to preschool. It feels like yesterday that I was pregnant and getting excited to meet our new baby, and then we were bringing home this tiny little six pound baby girl to join our lives. And now, three years later, we are watching our little girl start her first preschool.

This past Thursday was Cassie's first day, for her to meet her teacher and her new classmates. It was an hour long class called "visiting day" where parents stayed with their children to learn the daily schedule, get a tour of the building and facilities, and help with the new adjustment to preschool. Cassie was pretty tearful on her way to the school, which I really think was because she had gone to bed a little late the night before and was still tired. She had wanted to bring her play makeup to class with her and was pretty disappointed that she had to leave it behind. She was a little tentative as we arrived at school, and stayed close to Dawn and I as we waited in line to meet her teacher. Once inside her classroom, she headed to the home play area with three other children and pretty much forgot that Dawn and I were even there, no tears or fusses! We let her play a bit and then headed with the assistant teacher to see the gym area where Cassie loved running around with her new classmates, and seemed to really enjoy being there with other kids her age. After heading back to the classroom, all of the children sat down for a story from the teacher and then were dismissed. Cassie wanted to stay and play on the playground with some of her new friends, so we gave her a few minutes to play before heading home to relieve my sister who had been watching the twins for us so the we could enjoy seeing Cassie off to school together.

Tuesday will be Cassie's first day of school on her own, which will be only an hour long to help with the adjustment of the kids. I am really hoping that Tuesday goes as smoothly as Thursday went, as Cassie seemed so excited to be with other children and playing with new toys. Here are some photos that I managed to snap from our "visiting day" last week:

Walking down the hall to her classroom to meet her new teacher

Using the "Cassie sized" facilities for the first time, and yes, it took me at least 15 minutes to get her out of the water in the sink.

Enjoying some playtime with some new toys

Dawn and I loved that we were totally observers in the room and Cassie went about her own business doing her own things and finding new toys and friends.

Putting the dolls to bed...

Do you mind, I am relaxing here!

Enjoying a story with the rest of the class

Time to line up for dismissal

Even the day's events seemed to take a toll on Brookie, who passed out during lunch (and she stayed home to play with Auntie Trish and Jake!!!)

From the new album: Its september