Saturday, August 30, 2008

So much to little time!

It seems lately like every time I sit down to add an update and some photos....someone  needs attention!  There have been a few touchy moments in the last week or so regarding meltdowns from all three at the same time, and let me tell you what a challenge that is!  But, those have been few and far between, and we really are just enjoying all three of our little wonders as they continue to grow and discover.

Last week we enjoyed a little mini-vacation, with a day trip to our local Aquarium followed by a day trip to a small Amusement Park with a beach and a little sprinkler park.  My sister and her two boys (Zach and Jake) tagged along with us and all the kids (twins too???) had a great time.  Here are a few photos from our outings:

Preparing for the days festivities...    Posing with Mama and "happy feet!"

It's amazing how hard it is to get all five in the photo!

Taking a little snooze...

Cassie and Mama at "Saturation Station"

The two buddies going on the first ride of the day!

And then its off to the boats and the rockets.

On my first Roller Coaster!!! (With my friend Moireen and cousin Jake)

All this excitement really wears a guy out!

The family train ride (Mommy stayed back with the twins)

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