Monday, August 11, 2008

What are the twins up to today??

Well, Austin and Brooklyn are starting to act more and more like regular babies these days (rather than the perpetual sleeping preemies!) and spending more time awake staring at us.  They are still doing their share of sleeping, and to make their mommies happy, aside from the feeding, they are not awake at night, yay!

Cassie is still being the same great sister.  She refers to them as "my pink" and "my blue" and when she wants to hold one, she will sit nicely on the couch, and look at us and say "mommy, my blue??" and then point to her lap and hold her arms out to hold him.  It is the cutest thing ever!  She is ever so gentle when she comes to kiss them on the head and hold their hands, it makes me realize how special having these babies is to all of us.  

The little princess sitting on her thrown (this chair makes her look so small!).

Austin loves tummy time, and is already great at moving his head from side to side.

But...they are still spending a lot of time sleeping....

Little Brooke (yes, in the pj's that her brother already out grew)

The little man all snuggled up to his beanie baby

Yes, we do still sleep together...

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