Sunday, November 9, 2008

The belated Halloween post...

This has been one long week, let me tell you.... 
It started out with a knock down, drag out cold for mommy (a.k.a. me) that really kept me in the ozone all week.  It was wrapped up with a trip to the dentist on Friday for a cleaning, cavity filling, and extraction - no fun at all!  So needless to say, I have been a little two out of sorts to get the Halloween photos up for you all to see.

I must admit, though, that we had the greatest time Halloween night with little Cassie (okay, the twins were fun too, but the slept through the whole thing!).  It started with a quick walk up the street to our babysitter Moireen's house, where she took Cassie to a few of her neighbor's houses to break her in, and let me tell you, Cassie caught on pretty quickly:

1. ring door bell
2. stand and smile
3.  be coaxed to say 'trick or treat'
4. say 'treat'
5. get candy

Yup, once she realized that candy was was all over!  By the time we  got back to our house to do the trip around our block, Cassie was nearly running from door to door!  Let me tell you how cute it was to watch a kangaroo run from the back.  We shared the night with our neighbors, so Cassie, Jackson and Jaiden all went door to door together.  I'll post a few of those photos soon as are some in their costumes:

One Hoppy Kangaroo!

Our perfect little caterpillars...

Li'l pumpkin Brooke!

Oh my, I hope they don't mistake me for one of those!

Cassie and Moireen heading to her first house!

Enjoying our first Halloween...sleeping of course!

Flashing our little grins...

First time in our new Jumperoo!

Apparently....little Brooke just wore herself right out in there!
From November 2008

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