Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cassie's first trip to the Children's Museum

I had the opportunity to have some one on one time with just Cassie today, as mama stayed home with the twins so that I could take Cassie to the Children's Museum here for the first time.  We spent a little over two hours there roaming from room to room having all sorts of fun learning and seeing new things.  Overall all, I think that her favorite place was the "mining" activity, but of course, anything with water will keep her captivated!  Here are a few photos from our great day!

Check out this cool instrument that you get to hit with paddles!

The numerous fish tanks were a huge point if interest

Giving "high 5's" to the resident gecko!

Checking out the sleepy chinchilla and hugs for the painted cow...

Making friends with the many turtles

And taking a minute to see what it's like to live in a turtle shell!

Imagine she had to power our home TV like this?  

Playing with the lego levers....

And meeting some VERY tall new friends!

Doing a little mining....I think that there is GOLD in here!

Speaking 'dinosaur' to the resident baby T-Rex

Taking a minute to learn to drive a Safari Jeep (nothing like starting 'em young!)

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