Sunday, November 23, 2008


Wow, I can't believe how fast this cold weather has taken over!  We've been forced to do some playing inside these days, as the temperatures outside have made it difficult to get out with all three kids, but we've been doing our best to keep Cassie busy.

The twins have really begun to be more interactive, both with each other and with Cassie, and Cassie is really loving talking to them and trying to play as well, it is so cute to see what a great big sister she is becoming.  

Austin is continuing to have some stomach issues that we are having difficulty resolving.  What we thought was just constipation and painful gas is giving us an indication of something a little more complicated than that.  Right now the formula changes, zantak, and karo syrup don't seem to be helping much.  We are seeing a pediatric GI specialist on Monday to hopefully get some more answers.  But, in the meantime, we decided to give both the babies some oatmeal (time for real food!!!) and mixed some prunes in with Austin's to help thing move along!

Here are the usual photos to keep you warm and fuzzy!

Our baby-legs just make us silly!

Nothing like a lounge chair-binky sucking sort of afternoon with my brother

Hard to believe that little miss loves to giggle was such a late smiler!

Fighting to get in the front??

What is mama doing that is sooooo funny???

I'm not sure but we think it's the funniest thing ever!

Having a little tea-party (juice box party??) in our bumbu chairs

There must be giggly-juice in there!

Hmmmm....future dentist in the making?

Sharing secrets about the boys already??

First solid meal!! Horray for oatmeal!

Even big sister Cassie gets to help out with the feedings now.

Mmmm, nothing like oatmeal and prunes!

Little miss Brooklyn love the oatmeal and ate it right down

Do we get to do this every night?? Horray!

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