Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008....and a few others

Never a dull moment here....
As with most holidays, this one followed true fashion with illness plaguing our family; both twins are now on antibiotics for double ear infections, while Cassie continues to recover from her pre-Christmas cold.  Although chaos, Christmas day was full of excitement (which was really too much for the toddler) and lots of gifts,  We spent our morning opening a few presents at our house and then headed to my sister's house to have breakfast and enjoy swapping gifts with my sister's family and dad until early afternoon.  With Cassie beyond exhaustion we headed home to relax for the rest of the day.  The last few days have been great recovery of simply relaxing, enjoying out time together and nursing out little ones back to health...

Christmas eve, headed to auntie Arlene's house

Noting like an evening bottle and  nap

Christmas snuggles

Opening gifts at MiMi and PaPa's house

Wow! Santa came! And he left chocolate under the tree!

Oh, and there are gifts too?

Check out all the stuff in this stocking!

Nothing like chocolate for breakfast

At this rate, we are going to be here until the new year opening gifts! (Needless to say, poor Cassie opened about 5 more things and decided that she'd had enough...)

Nothing like a little self feeding !

Hey, are those gifts under there for us?

Check out my fur-berry!

All tuckered out! And resting on my new frog pillow from the Franzia girls!

Enjoying our first Christmas stockings... 
(and as you can see behind then, Santa got a little carried away)

With our big sister's help of course!

Fun toys for the whole family!

And the gift that keeps on giving...Cassie has been in this bounce house non-stop since we put it up the day after Christmas...definitely the best gift ever!


Rachel said...

My kids were both sick on Christmas too, I think it's going around.
Love love love the pics, what a beautiful family you have.

ajs4ever said...

WOW- it looks like Santa really thought you all were good this year:) Sorry the kiddos were sick! I hope they are feeling much better now! Wishing you all a happy New Year!!

Megan said...

I think the one with the twins sleeping curled up with their bottles might be my favorite yet!!!! LOVE that one:)