Sunday, June 14, 2009

Who replaced our babies with toddlers?

I can't believe that our twins are turning one in less than two days - my goodness - where has the last year gone???  We now have these very mobile little people in our house with completely different personalities that fill my day with absolute bliss.  

We will be spending this week preparing for our big birthday bash that we are having on Sunday to celebrate the twins first birthday as well as Cassie's third birthday (and wow, I can't believe that she has been in our lives for three years!!!).  Friday we also have Cassie's gymnastics show, so I know that I will have lots of pictures from that, and may need to post them before all the birthday party photos go up early next week.

Here are some of our fulfilling moments:

should I guess that we have yet another thrill seeker in the house?  Brooklyn is just so excited to be on the slide by herself

Here I go!!!

How do I get back to the top of this thing??

Taking a brief sitting break to re-fuel with milk

Austin, it's okay, they will feed us eventually 

the photo for the title caption - where have my babies gone?  And who replaced them with these little people???

Austin is rather upset that the train table does not yet have any trains on it

Cassie and her cousin Zach - thrilled to be having their photo taken as you can see

Don't get excited Brookie, you won't be getting your license until you are at least 18.

Mr. Austin enjoys the swings

Here comes our little handsome devil

Nothing like having spaghetti for dinner (and yes, I basically stripped them all down to nothing, I'm not stupid, I know that tomato sauce stains!!!) and watching Dora at the same time...

Cassie does not yet notice that Austin is trying to sneak his way onto her tray.....

Hey! That's mine!!! Get on your own tray!  And don't let Brookie's innocence fool you, she is far worse than he is at stealing food off of trays, she just doesn't get caught on film!

An early attempt at utensils - at least Austin has the right end in his mouth...

He knows that someone has to clean up that mess, and it isn't going to be him (time to get out the power washer)

Just the thought of sleeping like this makes my hips ache, but there is just something about Brookie's feet that keep her content... I usually go in and pull them out from under her after a while, you'd think that her toes would be numb!

But, she just loves to sleep close to her feet!

Find all these photos and more in this link:  june 2009

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