Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We are Blessed (with photos this time)

Oh my how the the summer has flown by.....
I have just realized that the entire month of August is gone in a blink, and it is hard to believe that September is here already, and Cassie will be starting her first day of preschool in just 9 short days!
I chose the title for this post, because it seemed perfect for how amazing the last month has truly been, and a perfect reminder for how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives who continue to make this journey so much more rewarding. We finished up the month of August with a Christening for our three miracles at the Third Congregational Church in Middletown on Saturday August 22nd. Both Dawn's parents as well as her sister belong to the church and were excited that we had decided to have them blessed in the same church as my nieces. We chose to have them blessed on a Saturday with just our close family and two best friends, and followed up the ceremony with a picnic at our house. Dawn's mom did an amazing job making all of the food for our celebritory picnic, the weather was warm (okay, hot!) and sunny, and the kids were absolutely amazing, I don't think that Dawn and I could have asked for a better day. My cousin Brittany and her 3 year old son Lucas also made the trip from Syracuse, NY to join us for the weekend (and take wonderful pictures as well!!) which was an extra special treat for Cassie who loves playing with Lucas. As we both look back on Saturday's events, we realize how truly blessed we are for having such amazing family and friends in our lives, who have supported us so much in our journey of raising a family.

Our beautiful family

check out these little hams!

beautiful Brooklyn

Mama and Austin

our grown up princess Cassie

Cassie and her little brother

Brooklyn and her Godparents, Auntie Kris and Auntie Terri

Austin and his Godparents, auntie Trisha and cousin Zachary

Cassie and her Godparents, Auntie Arlene and Uncle Dan

These photos and LOTS more are here: august recap


Anonymous said...

It's a blessed life we're all living, thanks for the reminder! So happy you were able to celebrate the christening with friends and family!

jg4family said...

You guys truly are blessed with an amazing and adorable family. Your kids crack me up, in the photos AND in person! It's been so wonderful watching their little personalities develop, and seeing them go from babies, to toddlers to 3 yr old preschoolers! I know I'm not leaving yet, but man I'm gonna miss the heck out of you guys!!!!

ajs4ever said...

The kiddos look so cute!!! I love thier outfits. Cassie looks like a little princess:)

We are all so very blessed with these little ones! Thank you for sharing your family with us:)