Saturday, August 30, 2008

Okay, I have time for one more!

I thought that I'd take the time to add another post...I think that all the kids are sleeping (think is the key word in that sentence!).  These are a few random pics from earlier this week, and some from taking Cassie to the carousel in the mall today as we thought that the rain was going to make for an indoor day.  Hopefully everyone is having a great start to their holiday weekend!

Here are the ABC kids!

Austin and Brooklyn having some playtime...

Cassie and her babies!

Yes, we both still fit in this chair together

Shhh....(can you tell who's who???)

Awake in our play chairs...                                                     And now we're asleep!

Yes, I really am trouble!

But I am so darn cute!

Cassie and Austin                      Cassie and Brooklyn

Mommy and I and Mr. Elephant!

And now with Mr. Tiger!

And one more with Mr. Hippo... (yes, mommy is dizzy!)

Don't ask...

Night night everyone!

So much to little time!

It seems lately like every time I sit down to add an update and some photos....someone  needs attention!  There have been a few touchy moments in the last week or so regarding meltdowns from all three at the same time, and let me tell you what a challenge that is!  But, those have been few and far between, and we really are just enjoying all three of our little wonders as they continue to grow and discover.

Last week we enjoyed a little mini-vacation, with a day trip to our local Aquarium followed by a day trip to a small Amusement Park with a beach and a little sprinkler park.  My sister and her two boys (Zach and Jake) tagged along with us and all the kids (twins too???) had a great time.  Here are a few photos from our outings:

Preparing for the days festivities...    Posing with Mama and "happy feet!"

It's amazing how hard it is to get all five in the photo!

Taking a little snooze...

Cassie and Mama at "Saturation Station"

The two buddies going on the first ride of the day!

And then its off to the boats and the rockets.

On my first Roller Coaster!!! (With my friend Moireen and cousin Jake)

All this excitement really wears a guy out!

The family train ride (Mommy stayed back with the twins)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mimi...

Well, the twins have both managed to catch their first cold....much earlier than I wanted, but both are fairing pretty well and have really only had the congestion no fever or ear infections so far.  Austin has been full of smiles and almost giggles, while Brooklyn continues to be stingy with the smiles, maybe flashing one a day.  They are also starting to be awake more during the day, which is nice to see them interested in the world around them.

On Sunday we celebrated Dawn's mom's birthday with a little get-together at her brother's house.  Cassie, as usual, was in rare form, and for the first time, did some solo swimming with some armies and a tube!  She was so excited and really started doing some great kicking for the first time.  I managed to get some amazing shots of her actually wearing a dress (rather rare for a kid who's as active as she is).

This week we are taking a few family day trips, to the Aquarium and the amusement park, so keep an eye out for a recap of our week!

Awake and alert!

Flying solo!

Cassie and mommy in the pool

Rock hopping                                             Watching a game of horse-shoes

Wild flower picking 

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our exciting weekend...

Who knew this blogging thing would be so addictive!!

Here are the photos from this past weekend, so that the blog is officially up-to-date!  We had a wonderful weekend actually, taking the kids down to the Outlets in Westbrook, CT, followed by a trip to Bills Seafood for dinner so that Cassie could enjoy feeding the seagulls and ducks while feeding herself!  I think that the twins are getting used to being shuttled around!

Sunday was a great day to stay home and cook out on the grill with Dawn's parents and my sister and her boys.  It's hard to believe that it is August already and that Labor Day is just around the corner, ahhh!!!

All dressed up for an outing!

Finally...the new jogging stroller arrived! Mommy and the kids can finally get out of the house and get some exercise in, horray!!

Apparently the twins really like their new mobile sleeping arrangements!

Tucked into bed, together as usual...

Ahhh....awake at last...

....But not for long!