Thursday, January 16, 2014

Moments to always remember....

This is a snowman kit.  Some of you have seen it before, a nifty little plastic container shaped like a clear snowman who's inside contents are that of everything you may need to decorate your finished lump of packed snow.  The perfect sized plastic carrot for the nose, 8 or 9 large black buttons for eyes or buttons, a scarf to keep him warm (or maybe colder, warm would be bad), and even the perfect pipe.  The ABC's were blessed enough to get three of these kits this year from Auntie Terri and Auntie Kris, each with a different colored scarf tied to the outside, perfect for knowing who's was who's. 

So here it was, the third day of January, and the "Big First Snow Storm of the Year" had finally stopped dropping the powdery white stuff early enough that morning for everyone to go and play.  Oh, of course school was cancelled (it's not like we live out west where the trudge through everything).  Two of the girls from down the street asked to come up and sled on the little bump of a hill in our front yard, so we had 5 little snow bunnies outside while Mama was in her glory snow-blowing the driveway.  It took about 20 minutes before the three 5 year olds wanted to come in (it was, after all, only about 10 degrees out).  Cassie and her friend Kyra, however, remained outside in pure heaven.

After about 5 minutes both girls popped their heads in the front door and said they were 'thirsty,'' so I supplied them with a cup of water as they stood on the front rug.  "Mom, can we take our water outside?  We might be more thirsty?"  Sure, whatever you need, put them on the porch, just go it quickly and shut the door, its flipping cold out!

It took about 15 minutes before both girls returned.  "We drank all of our water, can we have some more?" More water and out the door.  (settle the three 5 year olds with something that all three of them can do).  

And Cassie and Kyra return again rather quickly this time.  Cassie pipe's up, "Uh, mom, I think we have a problem.  You see, we wanted to make a snowman.  So we asked Mama, but she said that the snow was too powdery, it needed to be wetter.  So we took the snowman kit and added some snow and then added our water to it, because the snow is to powdery.  But now we can't get our snowman out."

And now, as a parent, you need to explain to your young child the purpose of a 'snowman kit' with a straight face despite wanting to burst into pant wetting laughter.  "oh my dear ladies," I replied, "The snowman kit was not intended to make you a snowman if you added snow to it.  The container is filled with all of the things you need to decorate a snowman AFTER you have made one, by rolling large balls in the yard.  I am so sorry you though that this would allow you to add snow and have a snowman pop out of it."  

Yes, there were two very disturbed faces.  And a third twisted face that was still trying very hard to contain the humor of the issue.  "Oh, okay.  but the snow isn't right." was Cassie's response with a sad face.  Kyra whispered to her.  Suddenly they both thrust their cups at me and in unison said "Can we have some more water???"  "Um, no, you may not pour water all over the snow in our entire front yard so that you can make a snowman.  There will be more snow storms this season, and lots of snowman making.  Go hop back on your sleds for a while."  


"Okay!" They piled out the door.  

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