Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just Another Day at the Beach

On Sunday August 3rd, we packed up the entire family for the first time to head off to a triathlon down in Niantic.  I decided to join my dad in completing this year, something that we have not done together as a team; I would do the swim leg of 1/2 mile and he would do the 12 mile bike and 3.5 mile run.  Auntie Kris also joined in the racing festivities (with an amazing PR), and Aunties Terri, Robin, Diane, and Sherri came to spectate as tell (a.k.a. help Dawn and Jenn watch 3 kids!).  

The day was perfect for a triathlon, and my dad and I had a great time racing together.  We decided to stay at the beach for the day and let Cassie enjoy the water, and the twins enjoy their usually sleeping endeavors!  Here are a few photos from the relaxing part of the day:

Taking a stroll....                                                               Future surf-girl?


A playful day at the beach

The perfect castle

Yup, we were there too!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love these pics of your babies when they were little!