Sunday, November 16, 2008

Leaves, silly hats, babylegs and more!!

Of course I have been busy snapping lots of photos....just not getting a chance to add them to the blog.  We can't believe how fast the twins are growing, and Cassie too!  We've been trying to stay busy here, enjoying some time outside before the weather really turns cold.  The twins are much more active, enjoying their jumpy toys and bragging at lots of things.  It's hard to believe that they are already 5 months old today!!!   

Right now all three seem to have some sniffles, but nothing major.  Austin is still having some issues with his belly that we are hoping will finally clear up with some new formula, he really has been so uncomfortable with lots of stinky toots!
We hope that everyone is doing well and gearing up for the holiday season!

Morning playtime with mama

Nothing like sliding into a huge leaf pile!  Enjoying the best parts of fall!

Having a little self-feeding time while mommy plays with Cassie.

Cassie found this hat in her closet the other day, Great Auntie Judi made it for her for her first birthday and probably didn't realize how much she'd love it at 2!

Sporting my new reindeer hat....

While my sister shows off hers!

Enjoying a little quality time in our bouncy chairs, wearing our new modern attire - Baby Legs! Little does mama know how handy these are going to be when our little ones are on the move and crawling!

From November 2008

1 comment:

Megan said...

Too cute!!!! And how do you make those bottles with the straw things work??? We got one because Ciara has to drive around with her alone in the car now since she's in real estate and i'm back at work. We (and i mean lexi) could not get the milk to go up the straw.